Discovery splash banner for UFC Undisputed Forever Discord server
Discovery icon for UFC Undisputed Forever Discord server

UFC Undisputed Forever

UFC Undisputed 3 Is Remastered Into The Modern Day With This Modding Project. Available On PC and PS3 Today.

8,225 Online
42,791 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
July 24th, 2023
We utilize feedback from the community in our project.
The project has been and will continue to be free.
Detailed help is provided in setup and troubleshooting.
Tournaments and online matches.


Supported Languages

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Discovery icon for UFC Undisputed Forever Discord server

UFC Undisputed Forever

UFC Undisputed 3 Is Remastered Into The Modern Day With This Modding Project. Available On PC and PS3 Today.

8,225 Online
42,791 Members
How chatty?
Like a busy coffee shop
Server created
July 24th, 2023
We utilize feedback from the community in our project.
The project has been and will continue to be free.
Detailed help is provided in setup and troubleshooting.
Tournaments and online matches.


Supported Languages





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