Black Chantry's official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Discord server. Come Join Us and talk about V:TES!
Created by Richard C. Garfield in 1994, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) is based on White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade, the modern gothic roleplaying game set in the World of Darkness.
Celebrated as one of the most engaging multiplayer card games, VTES has a dedicated community around the world. Thanks to this active community, the game has persisted through several production lapses for over 25 years. VTES returned to print with Black Chantry Productions (BCP) at the helm in 2018. BCP is owned and operated by several prominent community members, who come directly from the worldwide players organization, Vampire: Elder Kindred Network (VEKN).
Find out more about local playgroups, tools and strategy guides, tournaments and events. Join us to discuss the game, ask rules questions, tinker your decks and play with other players from all around the world. Learn about various online tools and resources available: card finders, deck builders, free online play platforms, and more!
This server has sections in multiple different languages. Check out the available roles to join the section in your preferred language!
Black Chantry's official Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Discord server. Come Join Us and talk about V:TES!
Created by Richard C. Garfield in 1994, Vampire: The Eternal Struggle (VTES) is based on White Wolf's Vampire: The Masquerade, the modern gothic roleplaying game set in the World of Darkness.
Celebrated as one of the most engaging multiplayer card games, VTES has a dedicated community around the world. Thanks to this active community, the game has persisted through several production lapses for over 25 years. VTES returned to print with Black Chantry Productions (BCP) at the helm in 2018. BCP is owned and operated by several prominent community members, who come directly from the worldwide players organization, Vampire: Elder Kindred Network (VEKN).
Find out more about local playgroups, tools and strategy guides, tournaments and events. Join us to discuss the game, ask rules questions, tinker your decks and play with other players from all around the world. Learn about various online tools and resources available: card finders, deck builders, free online play platforms, and more!
This server has sections in multiple different languages. Check out the available roles to join the section in your preferred language!