This server is all about the manga and anime Watamote and is also a general server where you can chat and make friends.
In this server, you will find others who love WataMote to talk with and opinionate about the manga and anime, plus you can also find and share fanart. Basically this is the perfect place for Watafans to let loose and enjoy WataMote together.
Please contact veeasinvince on discord if you have any questions/ban appeals.
This server is all about the manga and anime Watamote and is also a general server where you can chat and make friends.
In this server, you will find others who love WataMote to talk with and opinionate about the manga and anime, plus you can also find and share fanart. Basically this is the perfect place for Watafans to let loose and enjoy WataMote together.
Please contact veeasinvince on discord if you have any questions/ban appeals.