
Groups and Communities

Join Discord to start chatting in a Roblox group today!

Join in Discord

Over a million Roblox players are on Discord

Get news on latest releases, characters, wallpaper and avatars, gaming tips, and more. Join one of the popular Roblox servers:

ROBLOX Retextures

A server based around ROBLOX games that provides thousands of textures and decals for hundreds of accessories on ROBLOX.

20k+ members

RaceCodex | Roblox Community

Hi, we are a roblox community server.

43k+ members

ROBLOX: Survivor! 🎃

1.1k members

Arcade Island ROBLOX

Community server surrounding BeastyBlake101: Roblox Developer, Event Organizer, and Content Creator.
Come join us!

1.5k members

Roblox Marketing Center

This server is a Roblox market where you can sell items. We also host daily giveaways!

29k+ members

Roblox's Got Talent

The Official Roblox's Got Talent Discord Server.

25k+ members


The largest community-run Roblox Discord. Join for news, chat, LFG, events & more! For both Users and Creators.

750k+ members

Roblox Intel

All things roblox-related here! Enjoy a fun and active Roblox community with your friends with tons of perks & events.

16k+ members

Roblox Script Assistance

A community to find help or help others with scripting on Roblox with a ton of wonderful people.

8k members

A young cartoon character playing Roblox

Build community and play Roblox together

Find a group on Discord to talk strategy and trade memes with group messaging, video calling, screen share streaming, and drop-in voice chat.

Hang out with fellow Roblox fans

Searching for ideas for a Roblox avatar? Longing for swag like a custom character T-shirt template? Exchange tips, tricks, and discuss strategy. Join a Roblox server to share in the fandom.

Imagine a place where you can up your game

Immerse yourself in a Roblox community to make the most of your mobile gaming experience. Join your friends and conquer virtual worlds together on Discord today.

Connect in meaningful ways

Discord is where Roblox players have created a place to call home. Dedicated servers are your space to have conversations and bond with friends, new and old. Text channels are topic-based to give you the platform to chat specifics on Roblox and beyond.

Explore Roblox Groups on Discord