Learn about our Community Guidelines, developed to help keep people safe and make Discord the best place to hang out with friends.
Community Guidelines



Violent Extremism Policy Explainer

Violent Extremism

At Discord, we take a firm stance against violent extremism. We do not tolerate the presence or activities of violent extremist organizations and other violent groups. Users are not allowed to use Discord to organize, promote, or support violent extremist activities or beliefs. The term violent extremist organization describes groups that promote a political, ideological, or religious agenda and tolerate, advocate for, or use violence to achieve their goals.

This policy covers a wide range of actors, such as terrorist groups, violent extremist organizations, and violent hate groups. We also include informal groups or networks, as well as paramilitary and non-state armed groups, that are organized around extremist beliefs under this policy.

Even if not associated with a violent extremist group, users may not share or promote content associated with these groups or content that advocates for violent extremist beliefs on Discord.

As one of the highest-harm areas of abuse, violent extremist organizing is also subject to our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • Don’t post or share hateful content or content that glorifies or encourages violence — even as a joke
  • Don’t post content if you know it was created by or is associated with a terrorist organization or hate group
  • Don’t pretend or claim to be a member of a terrorist or violent extremist group to others
  • If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #5.


If you or another user is in immediate danger, please contact law enforcement right away and let them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.


Violence and Graphic Content Policy Explainer

Violent and Graphic Media

At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe and positive online environment. We do not allow the uploading or sharing of any material depicting real violence, gore, or animal cruelty. Violent and graphic media can include various forms of content, such as portraying death or injury, showing detailed physical harm happening to individuals, or depicting the infliction of pain, fear, or distress to animals.

Glorification and Incitement of Violence

The glorification and incitement of acts of violence pose a serious threat to the well-being and mental health of individuals, as well as the safety of our communities on and off Discord. We have a strict policy against any form of threats or harm towards others. We may escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.

“Glorification of violence” refers to the act of admiring or celebrating acts of physical harm towards humans that cause death, injury, or harm. “Incitement” of violence includes organizing, coordinating, promoting, or encouraging acts of violence to be carried out.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Do not share media depicting graphic content
  • Do not glorify dangerous organizations, mass murderers, or serial killers
  • Do not engage in the incitement, glorification, or celebration of violence (including sexual violence) against individuals or groups of people
  • Do not celebrate, advocate, or promote swatting of others

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #5 and #12.


If you or another user is in immediate danger, please contact law enforcement right away and let them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.


Unauthorized Copyright Access Policy Explainer

Unauthorized Copyright Access

At Discord, we take a firm stance against violating intellectual property rights. We respond to facially-valid reports of copyright infringement in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) and other applicable intellectual property laws. Our Copyright & IP Policy explains this process in detail.

This policy prohibits activity that provides others with direct, unauthorized access to copyrighted material (such as via live-streams) as well as efforts to coordinate such access. Coordination includes services or offers for services that facilitate the unauthorized sale, purchase, or trade of copyrighted material.

This policy also covers types of activity that infringe on the rights of copyright owners, including the distribution of tools that get around copyright protections. Exploits for online games (also called “cheats” or “hacks”) fall under this policy if they circumvent anti-cheating software or impermissibly modify a game’s code or files.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

Respect the intellectual property rights of others - don’t stream or provide access to copyrighted works if you are not authorized to do so

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users or affected individuals can report policy violations by emailing a report to copyright@discordapp.com.

For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #24.


Teen and Child Safety Policy Explainer

Child Sexualization

Content that sexualizes children has no place on Discord or in society. We don't tolerate any kind of text or media — real or generated — on our platform that portrays children in a sexual manner. This type of content causes serious harm to victims.

We consider Off-Platform Behaviors when reviewing content under this policy due to the high-harm nature of the offense.

We report illegal child sexual abuse material (CSAM) and grooming to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Users who post this content are permanently banned from Discord.

Inappropriate Sexual Conduct with Teens and Grooming

Discord has a zero-tolerance policy towards individuals who engage in sexual grooming, extortion (sometimes referred to as “sextortion”), or the sexual exploitation of minors. Users who engage in this behavior will be permanently removed from Discord on a first offense. We consider anyone under the age of 18 to be a minor and anyone 18 or over to be an adult.

Given the high-harm nature of this content, we will also consider off-platform evidence as explained in our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy when reviewing content under this policy.

Teen Self-Endangerment

We take the safety of our younger users seriously and don't allow children under the age of 13 to have a Discord account. We want our teen users to be able to express themselves freely on Discord while also taking steps to ensure these users don’t engage in risky behaviors that might endanger their safety and wellbeing.

We also don’t allow servers that encourage or facilitate dating between teens, even if run by teens themselves. These types of spaces can make our teen communities targets for others who may want to exploit them and can inadvertently facilitate other violations of this policy.

While we understand that teens may want to help each other stay safe online, we cannot allow users or communities to put themselves in potential harm’s way. This means that we will take action against users or servers that we reasonably believe are trying to “bait” or entrap others into inappropriate interactions with teenage users.

We want teens to be safe on Discord, but we also don’t want to penalize them for expressing themselves or exploring their identities. We expect that some users might violate this policy without realizing it, so we provide warnings to teen users where possible. However, for their own safety, we permanently remove a user’s account from the platform if we see consistent violations of this policy or if the user appears to be in immediate risk of harm.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • Do not post about sexualizing, grooming, or abusing children — even as a joke
  • Do not send or ask for sexual content from anyone under the age of 18 — even if you are also under 18
  • If you are an adult and run a server that allows sexual content, make sure that you mark any channel that contains sexually explicit content with an “age gate
  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #6, #7, and #8.


If your sensitive photos have been shared or published online, the following resources can help:

  • Take It Down (NCMEC) is a service that you can use to help remove online nude, partially nude, or sexually explicit photos and videos taken before you were 18
  • NoFiltr has resources to help you protect yourself online and support you in these situations. You can also text NOFILTR to 741741 for immediate assistance

If you or someone else is in danger we encourage you to consider contacting law enforcement right away and letting them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.

If you or a friend needs mental health support, we encourage you to use the following resources:

If you’re outside of the United States:

  • A list of worldwide crisis hotlines can be found here

If you’re in the United States:

  • Crisis Text Line is a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based volunteer support for people in crisis, by texting DISCORD to 741741
  • The Lifeline number (1-800-273-8255) is available 24/7 for emotional support

Although we're not affiliated with staff at any of these hotlines, they're trained to help and guide callers with ways to address things that are bothering them.


Suicide and Self-Harm Policy Explainer

Suicide and Self-Harm Risk

At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe online environment and preventing harm. We understand the importance of a strong community and positive surroundings when it comes to mental well-being.

We do not allow coordinating acts of self-harm or showing harmful actions towards oneself. Self-harm is when someone deliberately hurts themselves physically. Examples of self-harm behaviors include intentionally ending one's life, engaging in disordered eating patterns, etc.

Self-Harm Encouragement and Promotion

Using Discord to glorify or promote suicide or self-harm is not allowed under any circumstance. We believe in fostering a positive and healthy environment where users can come together to support one another. However, it is important that these discussions do not promote or normalize self-harm behaviors. Our goal is to ensure that everyone feels safe and supported.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Do not share illustrations of self-harm
  • Do not encourage, promote, or normalize self-harm
  • Do not discourage others from seeking treatment for self-harming behaviors

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #11.


If you or another user is in immediate danger, please contact law enforcement right away and let them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.

  • Discord partners with Crisis Text Line, a nonprofit that provides 24/7 text-based mental health support and crisis intervention via trained volunteer crisis counselors. Crisis Text Line is currently available to those in the United States and is offered in both English and Spanish. You can read more about this partnership here.

Other resources, such as lifeline numbers, can be found here.


Sexual Solicitation Policy Explainer

Sexual Solicitation

At Discord, we prohibit sexual solicitation on our service. Sexual solicitation involves requests from people looking for or offering sexual services in exchange for compensation. This includes activities that would facilitate or encourage in-person sexual meetups, such as advertising or promoting sexual services, as well as coordinating logistics or payments for in-person sexual services.

This policy covers adult-to-adult conduct. Any instances of adult-to-child sexual solicitation will be reviewed under our Teen and Child Safety Policies.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • Do not engage in acts supporting or coordinating sexual solicitation
  • If you aren’t sure if a piece of content might violate this policy, do not post it

If you see this content being shared in a direct message or in a server, report it to us immediately, block the user, and leave the DM or server

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #27


Sexual Content Policy Explainer

Sexual Content

At Discord, we believe users should feel comfortable expressing themselves. That’s why we allow our adult users (18+) to post and share sexual content, so long as it aligns with our policies. We also understand that not everyone wants to see this type of content, and that this content isn’t appropriate for our younger users. In order to maintain a safe environment for all, we have limitations on where sexually explicit content can be posted on Discord and how it can be accessed.

[Sensitive language content warning]

Discord defines sexually explicit content as any content that presents genitalia, female nipples, the anus, or sexual activity without censoring or obscuring it. Sexually suggestive content is any content that may evoke sexual arousal without being overt in description or depiction of genitalia, female nipples, the anus, or sexual activity.

While we may make exceptions for educational or newsworthy content, in general, all sexually explicit content on Discord is considered age-restricted and should only be posted or accessed by users who are 18 years of age or older.

Sexually explicit content should not be posted in general open access areas within Discord:

  • For servers, this includes any sections of a server’s profile where content can be posted and seen outside of the server, such as the server name, server invite link, server invite background, and server icon. This also includes content hosted within a server that can be posted elsewhere on the platform, such as stickers and emojis. 
  • For user and bot accounts, these surfaces include all sections of the User Profile, such as the username, display name, avatar, banner, and About Me sections. Users may not post sexual content in any sections of their account’s server profiles unless the server profile is associated with a server that is entirely age-gated.

Servers can host sexually explicit content within their server as long as it does not violate our policies, the server owner and moderators are all over the age of 18 and any channel where sexually explicit content is hosted is marked with an age-restricted label. You can learn how to apply an age-restricted label to your server channels here. Please note that we may also place an age-gate on an entire server if it appears that that server is primarily being used to host sexual content.

Finally, although we want to provide adult users with the freedom to express their sexuality and engage with sexual content at their own choice and risk, sexual content that is likely to lead to serious bodily harm or death is disallowed even if consensually shared and consumed.

In addition, Discord has a zero-tolerance policy towards those who engage in sexual grooming, extortion (sometimes referred to as “sextortion”), or the sexual exploitation of children or teens under the age of 18. Learn more about our Teen and Child Safety Policies.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • Don’t put sexually explicit content in the sections of your user profile
  • Don’t post or share sexual content that could encourage other people to physically harm themselves or someone else
  • Don’t send sexual content directly to others unless you’re sure they want to see or receive it
  • If you’re posting sexual content in a server, make sure you’re posting it in an age-gated channel
  • If you own a server and want to allow sexual content:
    • Make sure your moderators are the age of 18+ 
    • Put age-restricted labels on channels where members can post this content
    • Don’t post sexual content on server surfaces that could be seen by non-server members, such as in the server name, icon, invite link, invite background, stickers, or emojis

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #9.


Platform Manipulation Policy Explainer

Platform Abuse

Discord is a place where friends come to hang out. As part of our goal to provide users with a good on-platform experience, we prohibit platform abuse.

The term platform abuse refers to activities that disrupt or alter the experience of Discord users. Sending unsolicited bulk messages or interactions (or spam) is one of the most common ways the user experience is disrupted. Spam can be sent by automated accounts designed for this purpose (spambots), normal user accounts that manually execute spammy actions, as well as by user accounts modified to perform automated actions (self-bots). Making modifications to the Discord client for the purpose of spam or any other reason is not allowed under this policy.

We will also take action on accounts registered for the purpose of carrying out platform abuse. This includes the automated registration of accounts as a group for spamming — regardless of their message-send rate. We will also remove servers facilitating platform abuse. This includes but is not limited to spaces distributing: spambots, server “raid” tools, account-creation tools, token generators, CAPTCHA-solving services, and other spam tools.

Inauthentic Engagement

Inauthentic engagement is closely tied to, but distinct from the issue of spam. Both result in an overall lower-quality experience for users.

Engagement in the context of this policy is defined as any user interaction with Discord’s service or product features. We will consider engagement to be inauthentic if it is purchased, induced (like promises of financial reward), or fraudulent (for example, it involves fake accounts).

Individuals are prohibited from attempting to manipulate engagement metrics, artificially inflating server membership (for example, via “join-for-join,” “invite rewards,” purchasing fake members), and selling artificial engagement services for online platforms. Individuals also may not attempt to buy or sell Discord assets, such as accounts, usernames, servers, server permissions, or custom server invite links (also called “vanity URLs”).

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • Don’t send multiple unsolicited messages to other users 
  • Don’t modify the Discord client for any reason — including automating account actions or altering the appearance or layout of Discord
  • Grow your server organically and don’t artificially inflate its member count
  • Do not sell or purchase a Discord account, username, server, server permissions, or a custom server invite link (or “vanity URL”)

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #13, #14, #15, and #16.


Off-Platform Behaviors Policy Explainer

Off-Platform Behaviors

We want people to enjoy Discord, but never at the expense of others. Our Community Guidelines contain a list of content and behavioral rules users must follow while on our service. Our Off-Platform Behaviors Policy functions as a layer on top of these rules. It is different from our other policies in that it is solely concerned with activity occurring off of Discord. The term off-platform behavior refers to any activity not occurring directly on Discord. This includes activity in other online spaces and in the physical world.

This policy covers activity involving the physical harm of others or that presents a risk of causing physical harm to others. We will only take action under this policy: (1) If we can confirm that the harmful behavior has taken place; and, (2) are able to confidently link the individual(s) responsible to a Discord account and/or server.

A Note on Enforcement of This Policy

We may decline to take action against an account or server tied to egregious harmful behavior when we are confident there is minimal risk of physical harm coming to others as a result of allowing the individual or group to remain on our service.

The following four considerations are taken into account:

  • The off-platform behavior occurred more than five years ago
  • The person has gone through a credible rehabilitation process or has received justice-oriented punishment (such as time at a correctional facility)
  • Our investigation shows the behavior is not currently taking place on Discord
  • There is no indication on or off of Discord that a material risk of physical harm exists

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference the introduction of our Community Guidelines.


Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media Policy Explainer

Non-Consensual Adult Intimate Media

At Discord, we take a firm stance against the sharing, distribution, taking, or creation of sexually explicit or sexually suggestive content of other people without their knowledge or consent.

The term non-consensual sharing or distribution of adult intimate media means sharing intimate or sexually explicit content without the person's knowledge or consent, whether it's with a group or one person.

This includes media taken or created without an individual’s knowledge or consent (for example, hidden cameras, "creepshots", videos of sexual assault, AI-generated sexual images such as "deepfakes"), as well as media that was originally obtained or created with consent (for example, within the context of a private or intimate relationship, sometimes known as “revenge porn” or “image-based sexual abuse”). In order to protect victims and stop the proliferation of non-consensual adult intimate media (NCAIM), we will remove confirmed instances of this content.

We take the threat to share or distribute NCAIM seriously and will take appropriate action covered under our Threats Policy. This includes the threat to share non-consensual intimate media unless a demand is met, otherwise known as sextortion. This policy covers the content of adults only, for content involving minors, please see our Teen and Child Safety Policies.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • Do not post or share non-consensual sexual content as a whole — even as a joke
  • We understand consent can change at any time. If you do not have explicit and informed consent of the subject — do not post it. This includes sexual AI-generated media 
  • If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #10.


Misinformation Policy Explainer

Health Misinformation

At Discord, we are committed to creating a safe online environment and preventing harm. We do not allow the promotion or organization of communities that share false or misleading health information that is likely to result in harm. This includes anti-vaccination claims, dangerous and unsupported treatments for health issues, distortion of disease information, and any content that may negatively impact resolving public health emergencies. We rely on credible sources for accurate health information — including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

While users can share their own personal health experiences on Discord, we prohibit false or misleading health information that is likely to result in harm.

Civic Disruption

We are committed to upholding the integrity of civic processes and doing our part to ensure a fair and democratic environment around the world. We don’t allow the posting, promotion, or organization of communities that share false or misleading claims that could disrupt or undermine the civic processes. In addition, we do not tolerate the promotion or organization of attempts to intimidate voters or activities that suppress civic participation.

A civic process is any procedure run by governments or international political institutions that relies on public participation to make a decision or reach outcomes that impact our society. Examples of civic processes include elections, referendums, and censuses.

We will remove harmful misinformation about civic processes when we become aware of it. We will determine the truthfulness of claims by looking at independent, third-party sites like PolitiFact, FactCheck.org, and Snopes.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Don’t post false testimonials or statements that harmful substances can cure diseases
  • Double-check official election resources if you are unsure about specifics before posting
  • If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #17.


Identity and Authenticity Policy Explainer

Identity Misrepresentation

Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends and build communities. An important condition for building healthy communities is trust in the authenticity of interactions. Discord prohibits users from misrepresenting their identity on our platform in a deceptive or harmful way. This includes creating fake profiles as well as attempts to impersonate an individual, group, or organization.

Although pseudonymous accounts are allowed on Discord, our rules prohibit fake profiles and impersonation. We define a fake profile as an online identity for an individual or entity that does not exist. Some fake user profiles can be identified by their use of stolen or generated images as avatars. Impersonation means pretending to be a real individual, group, or organization. This typically involves the use of identity details (such as name or likeness) to deceive others about the ownership or affiliation of a digital profile. Impersonation on Discord can occur at the account or server level.

Platform Ban Evasion

We may take enforcement actions when we discover a violation of our Community Guidelines — up to and including permanent removal from Discord. We typically reserve permanent actions like user and server bans for severe violations that could negatively impact user safety, the integrity of our service, or the rights of others. Permanently removing a violative account or community can lessen the harms from these groups and help prevent abuse from occurring in the future.

You may not circumvent platform-level bans that we take against your account or server. We use the term ban to refer to the permanent removal of an account or community for a violation of our rules.

Platform ban evasion refers to efforts to return to Discord after having an account or community permanently removed from our service. Platform ban evasion includes the creation of new accounts and communities to bypass permanent removal; it also includes the use or reuse of an existing account or community to avoid a platform-level ban.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • Don’t misrepresent your identity on Discord in a deceptive or harmful way
  • If you run a parody or satire account or server, make sure that it is clearly labeled as such
  • Respect platform-level enforcement actions. Individuals who believe their account or server has been incorrectly removed can submit an appeal here

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #18 and #19.


Human Trafficking Policy Explainer

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime that Discord takes very seriously. We will remove accounts and servers engaged in this activity and may report suspected illegal activity to law enforcement.

These activities include, but are not limited to, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring and sale of victims, as well as any forced, deceptive, or fraudulent attempts used to invite or transfer victims for the purpose of exploitation. Any suspicions of such activities will be reported to law enforcement, and the accounts and servers involved may be removed from our service.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

We will take statements of desire or intent to engage in illegal activities at face-value.

  • Do not engage in acts supporting or coordinating human trafficking
  • If you aren’t sure if a piece of content might violate this policy, do not post it

If you see this content being shared in a direct message or in a server, report it to us immediately, block the user, and leave the DM or server

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #27.


Hateful Conduct Policy Explainer

Hate Speech

Discord is a place where people come to hang out with friends. As part of our goal to promote acceptance and inclusivity, we prohibit hate speech, discrimination, and prejudice.

We don’t allow hateful conduct or the use of hate speech while on Discord. This includes the use of hate symbols and the denial of historical mass atrocities. We define hate speech to include any expression that degrades, vilifies, or dehumanizes individuals, incites intense feelings of hostility towards defined groups, or promotes harm based on protected characteristics.

Protected characteristics at Discord encompass various aspects, such as age; caste; color; disability; ethnicity; family responsibilities; gender; gender identity; housing status; national origin; race; refugee or immigration status; religious affiliation; serious illness; sex; sexual orientation; socioeconomic class and status; source of income; status as a victim of domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking; as well as weight and size.

However, we understand that there are nuances and will give exceptions in instances of reclaimed language, satire, educational or documentary purposes. The use of satire must be obvious and we will not allow users to deflect blame retroactively by claiming their statements were made ironically or as a joke.

Hate Symbols and Imagery

The use or sharing of hate symbols or imagery is strictly prohibited on Discord. This policy extends to all images uploaded or shared on Discord, including profiles, channels, and servers.

Hate symbols include acronyms, numbers, phrases, logos, flags, gestures and other miscellaneous symbols used to promote or incite hatred, threats, discrimination, or violence against other people on the basis of protected characteristics. Symbols that represent supremacy of one group over another are also prohibited under this policy.

However, exceptions may be made in instances where hate symbols are shared for educational, historical, newsworthy, or culturally appropriate and non-hateful purposes.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Don’t post or share hateful content as a whole — even as a joke
  • Double-check reputable sources to make sure the content is not a conspiracy theory or has roots in hateful ideology

If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #4.


Gambling Policy Explainer


Users may not use Discord to coordinate or participate in illegal gambling. Users are responsible for complying with relevant gambling laws and regulation. 

We define illegal gambling as any gambling activities that break applicable laws and regulations. We define gambling as the act of placing a bet or wager involving money or something of value on an event or activity with an uncertain outcome. Our gambling policy is violated if the following criteria are met:

 1. There is a payment or wager of real-world value to participate (this includes betting or entry fees)

  • Real-world value is defined as any tangible or intangible asset with a monetary or exchangeable value in the real world. This includes virtual currency or virtual goods that have a real-world market value or can be exchanged for real-world currency or goods

2. Prizes of real-world value are awarded

3. The outcome of the game is predominantly determined by chance

4. The activity is prohibited by applicable gaming laws or regulations

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • Check gambling laws and regulations applicable to you and make sure you follow them
  • Be extra wary of participating in potentially fraudulent activities or opportunities that use or mimic gambling mechanisms, especially those involving paying or receiving financial transactions from others 
  • Leave and report servers with illegal or illicit gambling content or activity

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #26.


Doxxing Policy Explainer


At Discord, we take a firm stance against doxxing. We do not tolerate anyone putting somebody in danger by leaving them vulnerable to data breaches, targeted harassment, and real-world threats such as physical harm. Doxxing is when someone shares the Personally Identifiable Information, or PII, of another person without their permission and with the intention to cause harm. A dox is the collection of the Personally Identifiable Information of another person.

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) includes any information that could be used to identify an individual, such as a name, home address, social security number, banking information, driver's license number, and any other sensitive data.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Don’t share the Personally Identifiable Information of others
  • If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #3.


If you or another user is in immediate danger, please contact law enforcement right away and let them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.


Discord Support Abuse Policy Explainer

Discord Support Abuse

Misleading or abusive reports and requests impact the ability of Discord staff to respond to issues raised by our users. Individuals may not submit false, misleading, or abusive reports or requests to Discord’s support teams.

We consider support teams to be any team at Discord that directly supports or interacts with users, partners, or developers or that respond to legal notices about Discord users from individuals and entities authorized to make such requests. We will consider reports or requests false or misleading if they contain demonstrably untrue information submitted with the intent to manipulate staff into taking a desired action. We will consider reports or requests abusive if they harass or make violent threats towards agents, support teams, or Discord and any of its other employees.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

Do not mislead Discord’s support staff when you are submitting a report or request. False and misleading reports impact our ability to respond quickly and effectively.

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #23.


Deceptive Practices Policy Explainer

Financial Scams

Online scams can cause financial harm to people in the real world. We work hard to keep Discord a safe place for users to connect with their communities — that way, they won’t have to worry about people trying to trick them for illegal or dishonest reasons. Individuals may not use our service to promote, coordinate, or perform any type of financial scam.

Financial scams generally attempt to take advantage of individuals by making false promises of goods, services, or other financial benefits. These schemes try to turn a profit by defrauding victims or tricking them into revealing sensitive information. A non-exhaustive list of financial scams includes: Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes, advance-fee fraud, market manipulation (including “pump-and-dump” schemes), romance scams, employment scams, and phishing scams.

Malicious Conduct

We want users to enjoy a safe, secure experience on our service. Accordingly, we do not allow activity that could damage or compromise the security of an account, computer network, or system. We use the term “malicious conduct” to refer to phishing, the use of malware, and denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, among other conduct.

Phishing is a deceptive technique used to trick others into revealing sensitive information (such as logins or payment details). Individuals may phish for information with manipulated links or fake websites that appear genuine to convince targets they are trustworthy. Malware is any type of software used for malicious purposes — including theft of account credentials and other sensitive information. Denial-of-service (DoS) attacks flood a target with traffic to make the resource temporarily or permanently unavailable.

Fraud Services

We will permanently remove fraudulent services and all efforts to facilitate illegal behavior when we become aware of it. We use the term fraud services to refer to coordinated activity that directly attempts or is part of a larger attempt to fraudulently generate profit at the expense of others. Profit can mean monetary or property gain secured from a third party.

One activity disallowed under this policy is offering access to illicitly-obtained goods — including, but not limited to: account credentials, credit card information, personally identifiable information, and cracked commodity goods. Coordinated efforts to defraud businesses, price gouging, forgery, and money laundering are also not allowed.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

We take violations of these policies seriously and will take statements of desire or intent to engage in illegal activities at face value.

  • Don’t send malicious links. This includes “IP grabbers” and other tools that try to collect other people’s sensitive information
  • Don’t engage in fraudulent activities. This means somehow trying to generate a profit at the expense of others
  • Don’t participate in communities selling commodity goods that may have been stolen or illicitly obtained

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations right in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #20, #21, and #22.


Dangerous and Regulated Goods Policy Explainer

Dangerous and Regulated Goods

Discord prioritizes safety and preventing harm on our platform. Therefore, we do not allow anyone to buy, sell, or trade any potentially dangerous or regulated goods. Dangerous or regulated goods include but are not limited to: firearms; explosives; tactical gear; imitation firearms; illicit drugs; marijuana; alcohol; and tobacco.

We consider a good to be “dangerous” if it has reasonable potential to cause or assist in causing real-world, physical harm to individuals, and “regulated” if there are laws in place that restrict the purchase, sale, trade, or ownership of the good.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Don’t use Discord to sell, buy, or trade dangerous and regulated goods
  • Don’t share instructions on how to put together dangerous and regulated goods
  • Don’t share or discuss information about creating illegal drugs or regulated substances
  • If you find yourself in a server that is sharing this type of content, report it and consider removing yourself from the space

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #25.


Bullying, Harassment, and Threats Policy Explainer

Bullying and Harassment

At Discord, we take a firm stance against harassment and bullying. Bullying and harassment is defined as intentional actions that are meant to cause distress or intimidate individuals. This type of behavior can have serious consequences and cause lasting harm to the victims, as well as those who witness it. We are committed to fostering a positive and inclusive environment on Discord, and we expect all users to treat each other with respect.


We have a strict policy against any form of threats towards others. This includes threats of physical attacks, emotional suffering, reputational damage, and any hostile actions intended to cause pain, loss, or injury. We may escalate threats to law enforcement if we believe it is required to prevent immediate harm.

How to Avoid Violating These Policies

  • If you are not sure whether a piece of content might violate these policies, don’t post it
  • Don’t engage in behavior that may intimidate or cause suffering to others
  • Don’t threaten to physically or mentally harm another individual or group of people

Please leave servers dedicated to any of the violative content described above. Discord may also take action against accounts that are present in violative servers.

How to Report Violations of These Policies

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations by following the instructions here. For more information on these policies, please reference our Community Guidelines #1 and #2.


If you or another user is in danger we encourage you to consider contacting law enforcement right away and letting them know what's going on, regardless of the information you're able to provide.