A Charter 
for a Better Place to 
Play  Chill Together

Created with teens, for teens.

A Charter 
for a Better Place to 
Play & Chill Together
This may come as a surprise

This may come
as a surprise,

but the person writing these words is not a teen.

So while we’re not experts in what it feels like to be a teen right now, we are experts in building digital spaces where you and your friends can play and chill.

And because you’re great at knowing what it’s like to be you, a teen, we have worked closely with teen users globally (30+ focus groups!) to understand what matters most to make your experiences safe.

Teen Charter

This set of principles represent the expectations teens have of each other and of Discord. Whether you’re new to Discord or a long time user, this charter is key to keep in mind and hold each other and us accountable to - so everyone can have a safe experience. These principles will help inform product and policy improvements that make Discord a better place to play and chill.

Teen Charter
Come as you are


What’s yours is yours


Take space, make space


Know the Discord deets


Teen Charter
Come as you are


On Discord, you should feel empowered to share the version of yourself that you feel most comfortable being. All teens have the right to find community and to engage in safe spaces as themselves.


We agree with teens that it’s first and foremost our responsibility to create positive experiences on Discord, which is why we provide tools that build in checkpoints like our Teen Safety Assist initiative.

Server moderators and administrators also have a unique vantage point and use tools to help maintain a healthy environment. When you don’t have to think about protecting yourself, then we’re doing our job.

We heard from teens that some of you have developed skills to make an assessment and take action to keep yourself safe. Know that you don’t have to do it alone - we have your back and work endlessly to keep you safe while protecting your privacy.


recognizing poor form

See if you can guess which examples are acceptable and in line with our Community Guidelines, Terms of Service, or other policies. Click the thumbs up if you think the example is acceptable or thumbs down if you think the example is unacceptable.

Do you think Harper's message in this GDM is acceptable conduct?

Hoges message is UNACCEPTABLE

Do you think Jesu’s message is acceptable conduct?

Jesu's message isUNACCEPTABLE

Do you think this friend request is acceptable conduct on Discord?

This friend request is likely UNACCEPTABLE

The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children's Hospital is a nonprofit research institution seeking to understand and promote positive and healthy digital media experiences for young people, from birth through young adulthood. Their vision is an empathetic and respectful world in which our kids can grow up healthy, smart, and kind.