Connect with your campus communities

Meet classmates from your school, discover communities, and share your servers with Student Hubs. 

Join your Student Hub

Student Hubs 101

Getting started with your school’s Student Hub is easy. Meet, hangout, and study with your classmates,all in one place.

One place to discover your campus communities

Connect with people on campus who share your interests, from study groups and sports to fandoms, and more.

Meet your classmates 

Use the member list to find and talk with your classmates. It’s like a yearbook with better graphics, more features, and no awkward class photos.

Share your server

Add your server to a Student Hub so classmates with similar interests can join. Need more players for that game you love? Or buddies to study with? They can find you!

Find new communities

Browse the server categories or use the search bar to find servers relevant to your interests. From book clubs to band rehearsals to bird watching, you can find all kinds of student-run communities here.

Stay connected

With this collection of student-run servers, you can easily stay up to date and take part in campus groups and activities. Never miss another K-pop & pizza night again.

Have questions? We have answers! 

Learn more about Student Hubs in our help center article or our blog.

Are Student Hubs affiliated with my school?

Nope! Student Hubs are not officially affiliated with or managed by schools.

Hey, I'm in college! How do I join a Student Hub? 

First of all, congrats! If Student Hubs are available for your region, you’ll need a school-issued email address to verify which student hub you can access. For regions where Student Hubs are not available yet, you can join the waitlist. Join here!

Wait, who can join a Student Hub?

Good question! Only people with a school-issued email address can join and access a Student Hub.

Are there only students in the servers listed in the hub?

Even though the servers listed in your school’s Student Hub are run by students, people do not need to be a member of the Student Hub to be invited to join the listed servers. Make sense? Okay cool.

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