When getting started on Server Subscriptions, it’s vital to know what sorts of perks you want to offer your server members, and how many tiers of subscriptions you want to offer. If you’re running into a bit of an artist’s block when creating your offerings, this article is here to help you decide which approach works best for you.
Your “Tiers” are the different types of subscription offerings that your members can purchase. When creating your Server Subscription tiers, you can create up to three tiers. During the experiment phase of Server Subscriptions, we mainly saw three approaches to a monetized server setup:
Single Tier: You offer just one tier of your Server Subscription. It’s like a one-size-fits-most baseball cap, except wearing the metaphorical Subscriber hat offers cool perks in your Discord community.
Multiple Tiers: Implement more than one tier of subscription offerings to your community. This gives your server members the option to pay for an offering that best fits their needs or budget, while still offering free access to other channels within your server.
A Paid-Only Server: Utilize the role permissions from your Server Subscription tiers to gate your entire Discord community behind a paywall. With this setup, there are no channels within your server that are accessible without starting a subscription.
We’ve got something incredible to help you decide this. Are you ready?... Behold: the Server Subscription Offering Decision-Making Flowchart:
When considering a Server Subscription offering that includes multiple tiers, we recommend starting off small and to grow as you go. Remember: adding additional tiers down the road is way easier than rolling back an existing tier.
Before class is dismissed, here are a few tips to take with you as your tier the day away!
Sufficiently Simple: There’s a good chance your most affordable offering will be the most popular, and make sure you can manage it! Offer something in your entry-level tier you know your fans will love that’s both low cost and low maintenance. It’s okay to be basic — and we say this as the company that offers our own subscription tier called “Nitro Basic!”
Engage Accordingly: Higher-tier supporters will want to experience the impact of their additional spend. Providing differing levels of engagement depending on your tiers can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by having multiple offerings.
Lean on Learnings: Is there a particular perk you’re providing that your subscribers can’t get enough of? Understanding what’s driving members to subscribe and knowing what’s delivering the most value can help you align your offerings to their appropriate price tiers.
There’s more to running a fantastic creator community than just your subscription offerings. If you're ready to create your Server Subscription right now, click here. Make sure to check out the recommendations section down below!