March 15, 2024

Human Trafficking Policy Explainer

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an abhorrent crime that Discord takes very seriously. We will remove accounts and servers engaged in this activity and may report suspected illegal activity to law enforcement.

These activities include, but are not limited to, the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harboring and sale of victims, as well as any forced, deceptive, or fraudulent attempts used to invite or transfer victims for the purpose of exploitation. Any suspicions of such activities will be reported to law enforcement, and the accounts and servers involved may be removed from our service.

How to Avoid Violating This Policy

We will take statements of desire or intent to engage in illegal activities at face-value.

  • Do not engage in acts supporting or coordinating human trafficking
  • If you aren’t sure if a piece of content might violate this policy, do not post it

If you see this content being shared in a direct message or in a server, report it to us immediately, block the user, and leave the DM or server

How to Report Violations of This Policy

Reporting safety violations is critically important to keeping you and the broader Discord community safe. All Discord users can report policy violations in the app by following the instructions here. For more information on this policy, please reference our Community Guidelines #27.

Regulated or Illegal Activities

Lorem Ipsum is simply