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- Set up Verification Levels: In your Server Settings, you’ll find the option to choose from a series of Verification levels. From ÃÂÑÂüð to Highest, you can set up gates to prevent spam and require members to verify their identity before they can interact in your server.
Ø÷ÿþû÷òðù AutoMod
Designed to assist your hardworking moderators, Discord’s AutoMod feature helps keep your server clean and safe by automatically filtering out harmful or undesirable messages around the clock.
Choose from filters made by Discord or customize your own with lists of words or phrases and the actions AutoMod will take when they’re found in your server. This allows you to…
- Keep Community Conversations Welcoming: AutoMod detects and acts on messages containing harmful words or phrases before they’re ever posted, reducing immediate harm and exposure for your members and moderators.
- àðôòðù ÑÂõ ýð ÑÂÿþúþùÑÂтòøõтþ: AutoMod ÑÂøóýðûø÷øрð ýð õúøÿð тø, úþóðтþ чûõýþòõтõ ÑÂõ þÿøтòðт ôð ø÷ÿþû÷òðт ôуüø þт ÑÂÿøÑÂъúð тø. ×ðôðòðù ôõùÑÂтòøѠúðтþ тðùüðут þт ø÷òõÑÂтøõтþ, ÷ð ôð þñõ÷òрõôøш ÑÂûþöýøтõ ÑÂøтуðцøø ø ôð ýðüðûøш ýуöôðтð üþôõрðтþрøтõ тø ôð ñъôðт ýðòÑÂÑÂúъôõ ÿрõ÷ цÑÂûþтþ òрõüõ.â€Â
- Allow for Nuance: No one can fully replicate a moderator’s eye for context, but Wildcards get close. Wildcards allow AutoMod to detect variations that partially match listed words or phrases and flag when members try to circumvent filters.
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- Protect Your Time: You don’t want to be online 24/7 to watch every message for signs of trouble. Setting up automation can handle or streamline harmful situations to prevent burnout.
- áÿрðòõôûøòð ÿрõцõýúð: Ã’ÑÂõ ÿðú ôð ÑÂõ óрõшø õ чþòõшúþ. Ãâ€Ã¾ÃºÃ°Ñ‚þ ÑÂъ÷ôðòðш óþтøýþ ÑÂъôърöðýøõ ÷ð þñщýþÑÂттð ÑÂø, ÿþüøÑÂûø ôðûø ôð ýõ ÿрõхòърûøш ÿþòõчõ ÷ðôðчø ýð ðòтþüðтøчýøтõ ÑÂø üþôõрðтþрø, ÷ð ôð ýðüðûøш рøÑÂúð þт ÿрõôуñõôõýø рõшõýøÑÂ.â€Â
Finally, remember to regulate the consequences. As your community grows, things may get a little more complex. For example, if someone posts irrelevant content in a channel just once, they may just need a quick reminder of the channel’s topics. But if they’re repeatedly ignoring the channel topics and spamming with inappropriate content, more severe consequences may be needed. Auto-moderation can keep an eye on repeat offenders and act accordingly.
It’s important that all types of moderation and support remain as fair and consistent as possible. Remember to hold everyone in your community to the same standard, regardless of who they are or their history.
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- Not every violation will have a simple solution. Situations may require some more in-depth people management or further escalation, so it’s recommended to leave context-based decisions to a human rather than a bot.
- Don’t give bots or humans more permissions than are absolutely necessary.
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It’s essential to build a community where members feel heard and supported. Although being on hand to help is a cornerstone of a healthy community, that can get harder as your server starts to grow.
That’s when it’s time to scale your support.
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- Introduce FAQs: As your community becomes more established, you won’t be able to answer every question individually. Instead, make key information accessible by turning a running list of frequently asked questions into an #FAQs-channel. Keep the channel read-only and direct members there before they ask a question.
- áъ÷ôðù ÑÂÿõцøðûýø üõÑÂтð ÷ð ÷ðôðòðýõ ýð òъÿрþÑÂø: Õôøý úðýðû ÷ð ÿþôôръöúð щõ ýðüðûø ñрþѠýð òъÿрþÑÂøтõ ò þñщøѠрð÷óþòþр ø тðúð щõ õ ÿþ-ûõÑÂýþ ÷ð тõñ ø þÑÂтðýðûøтõ ôð þтóþòðрÑÂтõ ýð òъÿрþÑÂø.â€Â
- Be Transparent: Let your community know when you’ll be online by pinning office hours to your support channel.
- Peer-to-Peer: You’re only one person who can only do so much but where possible, encourage an atmosphere where all members can support each other. If some community members are already doing this, reward them with a unique role. Others will know who to look to for support and be inspired to start doing the same.
It’s important to find the right balance of humanity and auto-moderation. Build for safety and use automation as a tool to let you focus your energy on other important aspects of managing your community.
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