Създавай стойност с разговори

If you’re interested in nurturing some more structured conversations, we’re testing a feature you might find useful: Forum Channels.

What are Forum Channels? 

Forum Channels are designed to allow conversations to coexist without people talking over each other. 

When you enter a Forum Channel, you don’t see every message that’s being shared across every conversation. Instead, you see an easy-to-navigate list of conversations where you have full control of which you’d like to jump into. 

Every Forum Channel has Post Guidelines that define what kinds of topics are allowed and Tags that help people find discussions they’re interested in—all designed to help members create new posts seamlessly, reduce clutter, and foster meaningful conversations.

If you want to try Forum Channels on your server, here are some tips on helping your users get the most out of them.

Making Engagement Easy

Above all else: try it before you ship it.

Before you make Forum Channels for your whole community, make a private one just for you and the other moderators. As you familiarize yourself with their features, keep the following in mind.

  • Make tags work for you. Put some thought into what bigger topics your members are going to be looking for.
  • Create clear guidelines. Forum Channels are all about keeping things organized, and this will help ensure everyone gets off on the right foot.

Once Forum Channels are up and running, consider these ways to keep the conversation flowing.

  • Enforce clear titles and messaging for posters. Make it easy for people to find discussions they want to take place in.
  • Set the right tone. Encourage collaboration, civil conversation, and the sharing of knowledge. When possible, lead by example.
  • Keep moderators involved. From simple chatting to more involved, high-effort engagements, ensure your team is a part of the community.
  • Grow your team along with your server. The more conversations you’ve got, the more you’ll need to support them.

Are you ready to test Forum Channels in your community? Explore our Help Center article to learn how to build yours today.