The Basics
Let's go over the variety of tools available to help you safeguard your server from malicious events or unwanted behavior.
You Are The Gatekeeper
Membership Requirements refer to anything that requires input from the user before they can join and is a great way to filter who gets involved in your server.
Your requirements can be as simple as having a user react to a message to prove they are human or something as in-depth as posting an introduction about why they want to join your server. Still, the key is to find something that helps filter out bots and spam accounts from joining your server.
Assigning Roles and Permissions
Assigning roles and permissions to your community is another great way to help keep your server safe and healthy.
- Server Roles: An overarching label that can be applied to a group of server members. For example: Moderators, Admins, General Members.
- Server Permissions: These permissions determine what people can do in your server. They’re split into Role, Channel, or Category permissions.
- Role Permissions: Permissions available for the whole server based on which role they have.
- Channel Permissions: Permissions available for a specific channel in a server and determine what members can do in that channel. Channel Permissions override Role Permissions.
- Category Permissions: Permissions available for a specific category in a server and affect all channels within this category. Category Permissions override Role Permissions.
Choosing the Right Roles and Permissions
When setting up roles for your admins and moderators, there are a few important things to keep in mind.
Think Carefully About Who Gets Permissions
Never give Admin or Kick Members permissions to anyone you don’t fully trust—including the bots. This permission should be reserved for you and people you know and trust.
Good Permissions to Give to Your Moderators
- Управление на канали
- Управление на роли
- Управление на съобщения
- Бан на членове
- Delete Messages
Good Permissions to Give Your Members
- View Channels
- Create Invite
- Send Messages
- Прочети хронология на съобщения
- Connect, Speak & Use Voice Activity
Make Use of “View Server as Role”
When you’re setting up server roles, use the “View server as role” feature (found in your server settings) to see what members with that role will be able to see.
Use the Role Hierarchy
Quickly restructure your community by dragging roles higher or lower than others in your roles list.
Beefing Up Your Server Security
Here are a few Top Tips every admin should know from Discord.
- User Flows: Set up verification requirements or enable Membership Screening to enforce guidelines and filter users as they join your server.
- Set Verification: Choose a verification level via Server Settings. You’ll see 5 different level options that all make members verify their accounts before they can engage in your server.
- Bring in AutoMod: Enable AutoMod in your server with Community on. Choose from readily available word filters or customize your own and select the responses AutoMod will take when users try sending messages containing those words in your server.
- Report a Raid: Discord reviews user reports of raids to develop tools that help servers prevent similar malicious activity. If you suspect your community has been targeted, you can provide data and help long-term moderation efforts by going to the Server Dropdown and selecting Report a Raid.
- Pause Invites: If you want to temporarily prevent people from joining your server without revoking your invite links, you can simply pause invites. Because it cuts off the flow of new arrivals, this can be an effective way to halt a raid in progress. It will also let well-intentioned community members trying to join know that the stoppage is temporary, and that soon, they’ll be able to come back to the same link and try again.
- Set Precautions: Set up 2FA for yourself and your admins and moderators to help protect you from bad actors taking over and tampering with your server.
Creating a Safe Space for Your Community
Keeping your server safe and secure will help you provide a better experience for all your community members and help to maintain a healthy environment for everyone.
Sure, you want your server to be welcoming and accessible, but it’s equally important to make sure it’s filled with the right people from the start.
Membership Requirements will also build your members' trust, giving them the confidence that this is a safe space full of like-minded people.
And remember: should a user break one of Discord’s rules, or for anything related to general safety, you can always submit a ticket to Discord.
(P.S. Our Moderator Academy has a load of great information on moderation and safety. Check it out!)
With thanks to Wunder#0001 for all their help in writing this article.