Would your community members like to know more about who they’re talking to? Are there details they’d find important, interesting, or reassuring when interacting with others on the server?
Then your community might benefit from new features that have been added to Discord Connections - a service that allows members to share info about their third-party accounts and profiles.
Connections: Basics and New Features
Connections allow you to link certain external accounts to your Discord account. Adding account authenticity that it belongs to you, so anyone checking your profile will know that’s really your Steam account, Twitter account, Instagram profile, and so on.
So what’s new? Firstly, you can now add certain details that might help prove your bonafides to others. For example, if you’ve had your Steam account for longer than a month, you might display that detail to help other people decide whether your accomplishments in games are legitimate. Or it could just be a way to share some fast facts—your year and major if you’re on a school server, your stats on a Fortnite server, and so on.

Свързани роли
Additionally, Connections now allow admins to create roles based on these details: e.g., a role only for people who linked their Steam account. Not only will these Linked Roles immediately show who meets certain criteria, they make it easy to craft exclusive channels and spaces that only authenticated members can access. Hopefully, restricting these spaces to persons with Linked Roles makes your community members feel more confident connecting with one another.
Linked Roles with Apps
We support several third-party services natively within Discord (Facebook, Twitter, Steam, etc). We’re also opening up Connections to third-party app developers, which will allow anyone to create a Connection for members to add (and admins to check) when granting Linked Roles. If you’re interested in adding connection capabilities to an existing app or a new app, learn more in the Role Connections API doc here and our How-To-Guide here.
We plan to extend this for more developers in the future so that they can add connection capabilities for their own apps. To learn more about the App Directory and how to access apps check out the App Directory guide here.

For more information on Connections, adding details, and using Linked Roles on your server, you can visit our Help center article here!