So you’re looking into setting up Server Subscriptions, but you aren’t sure what you could offer… Well, good news: you’re in the right place to get inspired!

Offering Inspiration

they’re first to watch your stuff and are eager to get as much as they can, so why not give ’em

On Discord, Bella is able to connect with fans in her very own cozy space, filled with her very own alpaca emotes!

Bella Poarch

Bella Poarch. BellaPoarch. May 15, 2024. Bella Poarch. Meet Bella Poarch!

Your server is your unique space where you can centralize your community — and now you can offer premium options to your fans in the same place!

Migrating your Paying Subscribers to Discord

Let your “day ones” know that you wouldn’t be here without ’em (which is true!).

Considering creating a server on Discord? Today we will be sharing all of the resources to ensure you are set up for success.

Creator to Server Admin 101

Permissions: These determine what certain users can do, such as allowing @everyone being able to

As a community owner, you can leverage your content to fuel conversation and connection within your server, here's a couple ways to do it.

The Content Connection

Creator Portal. Creator Academy. The Content Connection. The Content Connection. No matter whe

Launching a server is an exciting moment for you and your fans. Here are a few ways creators can approach their server launch.

Server Launch Tips and Tricks

After all, you know ‘em best!

How many tiers do you want to offer your subscribers? If you’re feeling stuck, this article can help you discover which approach may be best for you.

Server Subs 102: To Tier or Not to Tier

Creator Portal. Creator Academy. Server Subs 102: To Tier or Not to Tier. Server Subs 102: To

What are Server Subscriptions? How to start thinking about what perks and benefits to offer, and what the revenue split is.

Server Subs 101: Earning Money on Discord

Do you have a Discord community? GREAT! Do you like… money? I BET YOU DO!

We’re working with experts and youth directly to center teen voices in our product design & policies, and to create a charter for a better place to hang out online.

A Charter for a Better Place to Hang Out Online | Discord

And we can’t do it alone. How do you do, fellow kids?

Learn about our community guidelines on the Discord Policy Hub, developed to help keep people safe and make Discord the best place to hang out with friends.

Policy Hub | Discord

Our Community Guidelines govern what we do. and. do not allow on our platform. Learn more.

Read our Transparency Report covering our enforcement actions against accounts and servers violating Discord's platform policies as well as our response to legal, emergency, and intellectual property removal requests.

Discord Transparency Reports

The purpose of these sites is to provide greater insight into the work we do to keep people and

Server Subscriptions allows creators to earn directly on Discord. To create your Server Subscription, you must set up a payout destination. Here's how.

Server Subs: Payout Onboarding Guide

Why do I need to set-up a payout destination?