Clyde and Nelly against a dark, blurred background. Icons of crowns, trophies, stars, and other gaming-related objects float in the distance.
Product & Features

Discord Patch Notes: August 30, 2024

Welcome to Patch Notes! In this series, we comb through the newest changes in performance, reliability, responsiveness, usability, and general bug-squishing we’ve done to make Discord better. 

If you discover a bug of your own, check out our Bimonthly Bug Megathread on the community-ran r/DiscordApp subreddit. Tell us what’s been bothering you and our Engineering team will be more than happy to check it out. 

All fixes listed below have been committed and merged, but may still be rolling out to individual platforms at the time of this post.


  • We recently found a classification of iOS crashes that eluded our existing telemetry. We identified, instrumented, and resolved these which yielded an 84% reduction in iOS crash rate. Let’s gooooo!
  • Do you love stickers but find navigating UIs with your mouse tiresome? We added a /sticker command on Desktop to search just stickers from the chat input. Hope you like it!
  • Images and emojis have used lossless WEBPs for a while now. However, stickers were not lossless, which meant you’d occasionally see compression artifacts. No more! Stickers are now also using lossless quality and should always look nice and crisp.
  • We’ve added the Quest Home screen on Desktop. Users can navigate to this by going to Explore Discoverable Servers → Quests to see active and completed quests.
  • We’ve added a toggle for sharing audio to the in-call screen share settings while actively streaming. Previously, users had to restart a stream to change this setting.


  • Changing Client Themes on the mobile app no longer requires a restart! Whether you’re comparing themes or just like variety in your life, swapping themes on mobile will be nice and painless now.
  • Links in channel descriptions on mobile should now be tappable to navigate to them.
  • The microphone toggle button no longer vanishes after pressing the Overlay button.
  • Navigating to a user’s profile via right-clicking on them in the Mutual Friend’s UI should now work properly.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Overlay add reaction buttons to be present while the Overlay was locked.
  • Resolved a couple of inconsistencies in how Invite links are generated on mobile and Desktop. Links should consistently link to the correct channel and have the same URL forms now.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the background image in the Quests UI to render incorrectly if the user had no active Quests.  
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the “Reveal” buttons associated with email and password in User Settings.
  • Resolved a bug that sometimes caused the default avatar decoration to display instead of the server-specific one in server Member Lists. 
  • Filtering emojis by server in the emoji picker should now work properly again.
  • Resolved a bug that caused the selection indicator to render incorrectly on other channels when reordering channels in the channel reordering UI on mobile.
  • Friend requests in the inbox no longer have displaced icons.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the “Add it!” text in the Registered Games section of User Settings.
  • Fixed an issue with certain elements always being light-themed during new server creation flows.
  • Fixed a bug causing the container in the channel details sheet to be too short while searching on iOS.
  • Pressing the back button after logging out on Android no longer puts the client in a bad state.
  • Fixed a bug causing users on certain Android devices to crash when viewing the sticker page.
  • Fixed an issue with Quests rendering improperly and not being interactable while in the Overlay.
  • Resolved a theming issue with the “NEW” tag on the Browse Channels widget.
  • Tapping members in the mobile member list should now properly open their profile.
  • Fixed an issue on Desktop with channel statuses that caused the tooltip not to appear if a channel status edit was canceled.
  • Resolved a bug where the Shop Anywhere sheet’s button was too low on the screen, overlapping with Android OS navigation buttons.
  • Fixed a bug that caused server avatars to not render for a subset of users on Desktop.
  • Resolved an issue that caused incorrect elements to scroll in the poll results UI on Desktop.
  • Resolved an issue that caused the input cursor to be incorrectly placed when searching through the Emoji Picker.
  • Server admins should now be able to see ban reasons in the Bans settings page on mobile platforms. 
  • Users should no longer be able to enter a state where favorited stickers from servers they left affect their ability to add new favorited stickers.
  • Interacting with emoji in poll answers that have emojis in them should now properly select the associated answer.
  • There should now be a scroll bar on audit log filters.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the CMD button on Macs to improperly scroll the Collectibles Shop.
  • Fixed an alignment issue with the Hang Status text on User Profiles.
  • Fixed a bug that caused CMD+F to crash the Discord app in Safari.
  • Resolved an issue that allowed users to navigate to a category as if it were a text channel via search. 
  • We fixed a longstanding issue where users without Read Message History were blocked from adding reactions or voting in polls on messages they could see. 


  • Fixed a bug in Voice Messages that caused the volume icon to not properly change colors when the background color changed.
  • Fixed a race condition on iOS that could cause severe issues in the app when navigating to very old messages directly, like via a reply, when they weren’t already loaded into the client. 
  • Fixed spacing and coloring issues with the separator between thread previews and chat. 
  • The arrows for Sort By in Forums are now aligned properly.
  • Resolved an issue on iOS where the OP tag in a thread would cover reply text.
  • Resolved an issue that caused certain users to crash when long pressing an emoji on Android.
  • When tapping on Super Reactions, the text field now stays focused.
  • Resolved a bug that caused long user names to not truncate properly in the DM list. 
  • Resolved a couple of displacement issues with newlines in text input on iOS.
  • Navigating message history with shift+tab no longer gets stuck on images.
  • Fixed a bug that caused chat to frustratingly scroll after receiving new messages while browsing old messages in a channel.
  • Resolved a bug that caused adding emojis to the subtext of a message in the composer would break chat input.

Activities and Apps

  • Fixed a crash users could encounter while searching for commands in the Bots tab.
  • Fixed an issue in the App Shop that could cause clients to freeze when interacting with an item.
  • Fixed a bug that caused users to be unable to clear the unread dot on the Activities launcher.
  • Fixed an issue that caused active activities to not show icons properly on the Mobile channel list.
  • Fixed an issue with the “Try My Commands” section of a bot profile where subcommands would sometimes be selected, which couldn’t be clicked or interacted with.


  • Fixed an issue that caused Entrance Sounds to occasionally be distorted. 
  • Resolved an issue that could cause avatars in voice calls to not properly have rounded corners.
  • Fixed a bug that caused videos to not play properly in full screen when they were played from a small Discord window.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Nitro users to still see a Nitro advertisement in Soundboard.
  • Resolved an issue where after a fresh install on mobile, users could appear muted on their client while actually not muted.
  • Resolved a bug that caused member lists of a voice call to be incorrect upon reconnection if the user’s computer went to sleep while in an active voice call.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Discord calls to not pass properly to iOS. 
  • Resolved an issue that caused locked sounds in the soundboard to still be playable.
  • Fixed an issue where 480p resolution wasn’t available for a screen share until after the user was already sharing.


  • Fixed a bug that caused seeking in most videos in the player to fail on Android. 
  • When modifying an attachment on Desktop, the video and image icons no longer overlap with other text.
  • Single small images no longer take up the full-screen width in iOS mosaics.
  • Resolved an issue that caused certain Android users to be unable to upload files for profile pictures.
  • Fixed a bug that caused GIFs with transparent elements to incorrectly duplicate when played.
  • Downloading images from a gallery no longer repeatedly downloads the same image.
  • Resolved an issue with video uploading that caused the resolution to not be respected in preview.
  • Resolved an alignment issue with drag & drop file uploads in the hover-over state before “dropping” the file into the client. 


  • Fixed an issue where the “Finish setting up your server!” text wasn’t marked up as a header for screen readers.
  • Resolved a bug that caused the bottom sheet slider element to not announce properly when focused on while using a screen reader.
  • Resolved several accessibility issues with Message Reminders. 
  • Improved contrast of the iOS age selection in new account flows in dark mode.
  • Resolved an issue where emojis could still animate in the emoji picker with the Reduced Motion setting enabled.
  • Resolved several issues with TalkBack associated with voice messages. This flow should feel much better for users utilizing TalkBack.
  • Resolved multiple accessibility issues with error messages associated with usernames when attempting to add a friend.
  • Resolved an issue with insufficient contrast between the username text field and the background in the “Add Friends” screen.
  • Resolved an issue for screen readers where the plus button near chat input on Desktop would cite an invite option that didn’t exist.
  • Fixed an issue with Voiceover where users could focus on a decorative speaker icon.
  • Fixed an issue with TalkBack where users could incorrectly focus on the individual modal switches associated with options that didn’t have labels for their function. 
  • Fixed a bug with reaction buttons and Voiceover where users could only interact with them once.
  • Fixed a bug with voice messages that caused TalkBack to not read out the sender’s name. 
  • Fixed several accessibility issues in the “Verification Required” screen.

All relative measurements cited were performed internally with our own instrumentation and tooling.

… oh hey, you read everything! If you’re itching for the latest updates to Discord, you can find our previous Patch Notes articles here, or check out our archive of past Changelogs if you’re more into the fun stuff.

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